Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Fill Your Heart with Music

It’s so easy to rush and worry and when we are past one stress a new one comes on. It’s one of Satan’s games. See, it’s been a busy year. I won’t go through the details because we all go through times of stress and we all know how it feels to be overwhelmed. Yet, I was thinking while worshiping in the service at church a couple Sundays ago that along with God’s Word and prayer, God has given us another gift to help bring peace into our lives. It is unique in that even when we are old and our minds fail, we can still remember it, when a baby is crying and he hears it, he stops his wails, and in great turmoil, it can calm the most anxious heart. It turns painful tears to laughter and back to tears of joy. With words or without.  Just rhythm plus notes.


Music is a gift from God. Unfortunately, this world has twisted it into something that isn’t always used for good, but it was designed and created to be used for God. Being made in His image fills us with the same love for music that He has. And He commands us to play and sing for Him. Can you believe He actually likes to hear it?! Even a weak, imperfect, joyful noise is beautiful to Him, if it’s for His glory.

I am so thankful that while life can push and pull and exhaust, God has given us music to worship Him! We, of all living and breathing on earth are the only ones able to create music. And what peace it brings to a weary heart. Even when I don’t have time, I will sit and play the piano and close my eyes as I worship Jesus. Because it isn’t about me… He is worthy! When I put Him first, the worries slip away.

Be still, fill your heart with music and worship the Father. He loves to hear it. 

Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God. Colossians 3:16 (ESV) 


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