Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Excellence and Perfection

In all areas of leading worship I truly believe that God wants us to give our absolute best.  But, what exactly does that mean?  Is offering our best about playing or singing every note perfectly?  Is it about having the perfect stage presence at all times?  Is giving our best about never making a mistake on stage?  Or is it about excellence?  Excellence and perfection...there is a difference.  Does giving our best equal perfection?  I would say that your best and perfection are, more often than not, two completely different things.  Rather than perfection, I think that giving your absolute best is the definition of achieving excellence. 

For me, perfection is often times unreachable. For those of us that are human, I believe we'll find the same to be true. As a musician, I understand that we want perfection, or at least our idea of it.  In the past, when striving for perfection, I came up disappointed every time.  However, when you understand that you aren't perfect and nothing you do is going to be "perfect", it makes it that much easier to see God in what you're doing.  I would even venture to say that when things aren't so perfect on stage, it starts to look more like what worship is supposed to be: bringing all that we have to show worth to the One whom we adore.  I'm thankful that Jesus doesn't ask me for perfect.  He asks me for me.  In that, I give Him my absolute best.  I think that we have really arrived at something when we understand and are okay with the fact that our best typically isn't anywhere near perfect.  Here are a few points on this topic that I read recently:

Perfectionists value themselves by what they do.  Pursuers of excellence value themselves by who they are.  

Perfectionists can be devastated by failure.  Pursuers of excellence will learn from it.

Here's one that really hits home with me:

Perfectionists want to be number one.  Pursuers of excellence can live with not being the best, especially when they know they've tried their hardest.  

A fact that I've come to cope with is that I'm 24 years old and there are just some people in the world who are more talented than I am.  I can practice, I can rehearse, I can learn but some people are just more talented than me.  That's okay.  

I would encourage you to take your idea of achieving perfection in what you do and change it to striving to give your best in what you do.  Go for excellence.  Be okay with not being perfect.  God asks for you; for your best.  Give it to Him.



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