Monday, March 24, 2014

Intentionally Purposeful

Dear Blog Reader Family,

I imagine that there are few things that could be more disappointing in this life than to look back over one’s own life and realize that we never made much of an impact with our lives.   Certainly God wants us to be fruitful in our lives and to have a tremendous influence on the people and circumstances around us.

You know, God has given each of us a variety of talents, gifts, likes people with whom we associate.    His purpose for our lives is to build up, encourage and, above all, to point people to look at Christ.    So, knowing that my purpose in life is to have a Godly influence on the people and circumstances around me, how can I best get from where I sit right now…to being able to look back over a life that has been  productive and shows lasting fruit for my labors.

I believe the answer is found in a plan of action that requires Intentionality and Purpose.   There is an old adage in the business world:  Proper Planning Prevents Pretty Poor Performance.     Planning takes thought, insight, direction and above all, it takes a commitment to putting that plan into action.   In our family, we are currently focusing on this concept of being Purposeful in our lives.   To live with Intent.

Scripture is full of examples of men and women who had a tremendous influence on those around them:  Abraham, Joseph, Moses, David, Jesus, Paul to name a few.   How can we also live lives that have that same influence on our families, friends and communities?   It takes vision and it takes effort!   It takes commitment and it takes courage.    Are you willing to put in the effort?   Do you have the commitment that it will take to succeed?   Do you have the courage to implement your strategy and stick to it?

If you are looking for help in getting started in this endeavor, let me offer one simple strategy.   There are many ways to go about this endeavor, but this can help you get moving while you work on refining your own plan of action.

-LEARN your gifts, talents and abilities

-KNOW your circle of influence. 

-ENVISION the purpose that God has for your life. 

-PLAN your strategy (long term first then short term)

-PRAY daily that God will help you follow His plan and enable you to succeed. 

Make Intentional living a lifestyle and you had better hang on for an exciting ride.  But don’t sit in the water waiting for life to happen.  Remember that a rudder on a ship is ineffective unless that boat is in motion.  Get your life in motion and give God the rudder so you can look back over your life and see what He has done thru you!!!         


Keith Anderson

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