Monday, June 1, 2015

False Worshipers???

In John 4:22-24, Jesus is speaking to a Samaritan woman and He says "22 You Samaritans know very little about the one you worship, while we Jews know all about him, for salvation comes through the Jews. 23 But the time is coming—indeed it’s here now—when true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and in truth. The Father is looking for those who will worship him that way. 24 For God is Spirit, so those who worship him must worship in spirit and in truth.”  In verse 23, Jesus mentions "true" worshipers.  If there are "true" worshipers, then there must also "false" worshipers.  What kind are you?  A better way of putting it might be to say, is your worship real and authentic or is it ignorant, hypocritical, and apathetic?

One way to find out is to check yourself against Jesus' words in these verses.  In verse 22, He said that the Samaritans know very little about the God they worship.  Is that you?  Is your worship ignorant?  Do you really know who God is?  Do you know what the Bible says about Him? Do you spend time in prayer with Him?  Do you have a relationship with Him?  If not, then how can you truly worship Him?

Or maybe your worship isn't ignorant, it's hypocritical.  You show up on Sundays (because you know you are supposed to), but your heart, mind, and spirit are somewhere else.  How can you worship God in "Spirit" if yours is somewhere else?  You might be fooling some people, but you can't fool God.  He sees your heart.  Or maybe your worship is hypocritical because of what you are involved in.  Your life is full of sinful activities, and you know that Jesus is offering a better way (the Truth), but you just aren't willing to give your life fully to Him.  And yet, you show up on Sundays and pretend.

Another type of "false" worship is apathy.  This one might be the worst. You can't be a "true" worshiper of God and act like you don't care.  So many people show up for worship on Sundays and then act like they can't get out of the building fast enough.  Pastor James McDonald (Walk in the Word Ministries) says "It's a tragic condition if you can see God touching other people and moving in their lives, but feel nothing yourself—and it doesn't even bother you. Apathy has no part in true worship."  That is one of the most depressing statements I have ever read. 

So, what type of worshiper are you?  Are you seeking to worship in Spirit and in Truth?  Do you want to know God more?  Are you willing to give yourself to Him? Or are you worshiping out of your own ignorance, your own hypocritical nature, or your own apathy?

Verse 23 says that God is looking for "true" worshipers.  I pray that each week God has to look no further than MPBC.

Worship Big!


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