Monday, April 14, 2014

A Lifestyle of Worship Beyond Sunday Morning


The first thing I think of when I hear that word is a church setting where people are singing, clapping, and hands are lifted. As the title says worship is something that can be done beyond Sunday morning during the worship time. For me I tend to think that worship has to be planned, but it doesn't.

Just like the verse in 1 Corinthians 10:31 says, “Whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.” everything we do is to bring glory to God. We worship all of the time without even knowing it. A way that I worship the most is by singing. I sing ALL of the time... Ask my family and they will tell you that it's the truth. Sometimes I will sing a worship song that I like or an old hymn while I'm doing something during the day. I never really think of it as worship, but it is worship.

The other night I was driving home from somewhere alone and as I came to the top of a hill I got to see a beautiful sunset. The song "Oceans" was playing on the radio at the time and I sang it with all of my heart as I watched the sun sink behind the mountains. When the song ended I remember thinking that I had just worshiped. I hadn't made specific plans or decided that that was going to be my worship time for the day. It had just happened.

Constantly being in a state of worship is important. It's so easy to leave church on Sunday and go back to our crazy and hectic lives and not even think during the week to worship the Lord. If you think about it it's pretty easy to worship in church. In that environment we are encouraged and even expected to worship and so we do. What about at home? Or at school or work? I honestly think that is where worship is extremely important and needed.

When we are in church we are being filled up with the Holy Spirit and so it is easy to sing, clap, and lift our hands, but during the weekdays when things are tougher, busier, and we are doing our own little thing worship is important also. Worship is many different things and can be done in many different ways. Not just by singing, praying, or reading the bible. It can be lending a hand to someone in need or sharing a word of encouragement to someone in your circle of influence. Worship is a powerful thing. If we practice it throughout our day it can help us see through Godly eyes and that will lead people to be able to see God in an evident way in us.

I know people who are constantly in a state of worship. You can just tell. There is something special about them and there is a certain type of peace. You can see that it isn't some grueling and conscious effort, but that it's just a subtle ongoing walk with God throughout their entire day. I am working on making worship a bigger part of my daily life. It will help me grow in my relationship with the Lord and I know that it will make my outlook on things so much better. I think that if we all made worship a conscious effort throughout our day that it will become a lifestyle.

This week my goal is to keep worshipping even after I have put down my microphone and left the stage on Sunday morning. I hope that everyone has a great and worshipful week! :)


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