Monday, September 28, 2015

Never Gets Old

Do you ever do anything that just gets old after a while?  Whether it's work related, running errands or just chores that need to get done at home, some things just get old pretty quickly.  It seems that this life can be full of things that are kind of bland or boring. Somethings are just downright dreadful! But with the busy lives we have, it's inevitable; some things are just going to get old.

Now, for me, there are a few things that I don't seem to grow tired of.  Honestly, the first thing that comes to my mind is playing with my 2 year old son, Elijah.  Every day when I come home, we play on the floor together.  It never fails, as soon as I walk in the door, he is pulling at me trying to get me down on the floor to play with him.  No matter how tired I am I absolutely can't get enough of it.  That has to be one of my favorite things to do!  Another thing for me is quiet time.  We probably don't think about it in this way too often, but for me, when I do get quiet time, I enjoy it.  Whether it's 10 minutes after the kids have gone to bed or the drive to work; quiet time just doesn't get old for me.  

However, during our worship set on Sunday, I was reminded of something else that never gets old:  seeing and hearing God's people worship.  For me, it's so easy to see Sundays and Wednesdays as a chore. Since I'm very much a "doer", I find myself getting caught up in the moment, making sure the MultiTracks fire when they need to, making sure that I'm not forgetting anything and that I've prepared enough, making sure I'm on the right patch on my pedal board, etc.  It's been a while since I've just chilled out and looked out over the congregation while they worship.  I love the sight and sound of a multi-generational congregation all singing together and raising hands together.  In my mind, that must be just a little bit of heaven on earth.  

That's what I love about MPBC.  Our church loves to worship.  And man, let me tell you; it never...gets...old.



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