Monday, February 29, 2016

The Healing Hands of God

I am going to be perfectly honest.  I had absolutely no idea what I was going to write about for this blog. But after much mental deliberation, one topic kept springing back into my head.  I really feel God calling me to share this story:

This past year was not the best.  In fact, it was very difficult.  I went through a trial in my life that made everything hard to bear.  I was perplexed and I searched for answers even though I hadn’t the slightest idea as to how I would find them.  I was very down, and to be honest, I allowed it to take away my joy.  Notice, how I said I was very down.  Yep, I learned how to conquer this issue thru Christ, rather than it being the other way around.  I am so incredibly grateful for people who never fail to extend that extra bit of kindness and for a heavenly Father who is so kind and good!  God used this thing I viewed as a catastrophe to draw me into Him and to make me much stronger, emotionally and spiritually!

Do you want to know how He did it?  He did it through my worship.  Without even knowing it, I was being restored through my worship.  He helped me overcome my burdens with something that was a part of my everyday life. And do you want to know the most wonderful part?  My joy was restored! (I’m proud to say I’ve had it back for a while now;))  Music and worship are the best parts of my life, but now; they are dearer to my heart than ever before!   I remember praying so hard that God would alleviate my burden by sending me something I could use for His glory!  Looking back, what I needed was right there in front of me. (Literally my instruments were right in front of me.)  I look forward to Sundays so much because I can just get lost in the worship.  See, that’s how I found my peace in the midst of mass confusion. When I get lost in worship, I find myself in God’s presence.  If you’ve ever experienced it, you also know that there is no logical way to describe it.  It brings you profound joy, but also peace…It humbles you.

God works so mysteriously, but I couldn’t be more thankful for how He worked in my heart.  I believe that music was meant for worshiping God, and that He can use our worship in ways that specifically blesses us.  I consider the peace found in worship to be a blessing; that is why I love music so much!  If we pour ourselves out in total worship to Him, and we humble ourselves before Him, He can and will heal us!  Think of worship as a way to bless God and find something like “Holy Help.”  1 Chronicles 16:29 says “Ascribe to the Lord the glory due his name; bring an offering and come before him! Worship the Lord in the splendor of holiness!”  When we worship Him wholeheartedly, our focus shifts from ourselves and our circumstances to Jesus!... Just to Jesus!  And that is the type of healing you will not find anywhere else.  God’s own hands can heal our souls, if only we ask. “Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you.  For, everyone who asks receives, and the one who seeks finds, and to the one who knocks it will be opened.”  ~Matt. 7:7-8


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